Call (225) 385-0748 to reserve your kitten today.

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Forest Cat

Maine Coon Forest Cats originated in Maine. USA where they’re the official state cat. Genetic testing suggests the Maine Coon is a descendant of both the Siberian/Norwegian Forest cat, brought over on ships from Europe hundreds of years ago.

Captain Charles Coon, a European ship captain is known to have kept long-haired cats aboard his ship. When he would dock in New England ports, the cats would mate with local cats, and when long-haired cats became present, they were called “Coon’s cats.”

Siberian, Ragamuffin, and Ragdoll cat breeds, are known as the largest of the domestic cat breeds; however, the Maine Coons are the largest today.

Maine Coons reach their full size and weight at three to five years of age. Some can weigh as much as thirty pounds.

The large to very large cat has a muscular, elongated and broad body. It gives an overall rectangular impression. The muscular neck is of medium length, the rib cage is broad. The medium long legs are solid and muscular. The paws are large, round and tufted.

The tail is long and shall reach at least to the shoulders. It is broad at the base, tapering and with flowing furnishing.

The large, massive head with straight contours appears square. Cheek bones are high. The nose is of medium length. The profile is curved. The muzzle is massive and square and clearly defined. The chin is massive and solid and is in line with the upper lips and the nose.

The ears are very large with a broad base and tapering. They are upright; the outer line continues the head outline. The distance between the ears to be no less than an ear width. The ear furnishing extends beyond the outer edge of the ears, ear tufts (lynx tufts) are desirable.

The eyes are large, oval, set wide apart and slightly slanted. Eye color shall be even and corresponds with the coat color. Blue and odd eyes are allowed only in pure white, bicolor, harlequin and van (01, 02 and 03) providing there is a white mask.

Except the frill, the fur on the head and the shoulders is short and becomes distinctly longer along the back and the flanks, as well as on the belly. The dense undercoat is soft and fine under the coarser, firm top coat. The dense, loosely falling top coat is water repellent and covers the back, flanks and top of the tail completely. The under parts of the body and the back of the hind legs have only undercoat. Longer furnishing on the chest is desirable, a full frill is not required.
Color varieties
The colors chocolate and cinnamon, as well as their dilution (lilac and fawn) are not recognized in any combinations (bicolor, tricolor, tabby). The pointed pattern is also not recognized. All other colours and patterns are recognized.

Our guarantee

Highland Maine Coon Cats and Kittens are Healthy, well socialized and are from  breeders with Natural Forest Cat pedigrees only.  Our kittens quickly become cherished family members and provide a life time of unconditional love and affection.

Should any hardship occur that can effect your ability or desire to care for the Maine Coon kitten or cat purchased from us, we request the kitten be returned. We will board and  provide the best care  possible, free of charge. We will also diligently seek the best family and home for your returned kitten and with your approval resell your kitten with 100% of the proceeds of this resale returned to you.  This is a lifetime warranty offered for all  Maine Coon cats and kittens  sold by Highland Maine Coon Forest Cats.

We believe this lifetime return policy is the best way to eliminate kill shelters and should be implemented by all breeders of pets. Please challenge all pet breeders to offer this policy. Innocent pets deserve this and should be the responsibility of all breeders after the sale.

We are proud to be approved and recommended by the Saint Francis of Assisi, Best Family Pet Association.BFPLogo


Recommended Cat Diet

As a concerned and experienced pet owner, I have studied, tested and sold pet foods.  I was a distributor of Veterinarian Formulated Complete pet foods during the 90‘s throughout the Gulf States of LA, MS, AL and FL.  I have acquired hands-on experience with quality, effectiveness of premium pet food diets and marketability.  What I am going to share with you might be surprising, but it is important for the well being of our pets and the overall cost that is involved to achieve this. Dogs and cats are primarily carnivorous by nature. This means they require fresh animal proteins and fats in their diets. Many pet foods today use supplemental grain and vegetable proteins in their formulation. They are found as ingredients such as soy meal, soy gluten meal, corn gluten, wheat gluten, etc…  These are excellent proteins for you and I, but not so for dogs and cats. The basic problems with animal proteins and fats are the cost of these ingredients, the quality of meat rendering and the cost limitations to preserve them. Preservatives and proteins are the most expensive ingredients in pet foods. This motivates many pet food manufacturers to supplement with less expensive ingredients to remain competitive, while misleading the consumer. Click to  Continue reading

For more information please call (225) 385-0748